Linux Professional Institute at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2025

Linux Professional Institute at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2025

On March 22nd and 23rd, 2025, Linux Professional Institute (LPI) will join at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage.

At the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) booth, we will provide information about our exams, learning materials, and certifications. You are more than welcome to join us to ask questions or chat with us about Linux certification.

Also, education institutions and open-source solution providers are welcome to learn more about the opportunities within the LPI partnership and how to become partners!

LPI offers discounted paper-based exams at the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage

There will be two exam sessions:

  • Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
  • Sunday, 1:30 p.m.

Candidates can take the Linux Essentials, Web Development Essentials, and Security Essentials in both English and German language, Open Source Essentials (only in English), as well as the LPIC-1 (German and English), LPIC-2 (German and English), and LPIC-3 exams (English only), as well LPI’s DevOps Tools Engineer and BSD Specialist exams (both in English only).

The exams will be offered at a community discount, costing 85 Euros (Essentials exams) and 140 Euros (all other exams).

We kindly ask candidates to preregister for the event, as seats are limited. Although LPI recommends pre-registration, vacant places will be allocated to candidates without pre-registration.

Register here!

DevOps Tools Engineer 2.0 Beta Exams

There will also be a world premiere at the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage: Linux Professional Institute (LPI) will be offering its new DevOps Tools Engineer 2.0 exam in a beta version. Anyone wishing to take the exam at the event can do so for 25 euros. LPI Members can take the exam free of charge.

We kindly ask candidates to preregister for the event, as seats are limited. Although LPI recommends pre-registration, vacant places will be allocated to candidates without pre-registration.

Register here!

The exams will be held in room C25.012 in Weinhold-Bau. The meeting point is in front of the building’s door with “#wirsindchemnitz” in the window and the building name below. Candidates do not have to pay an event entrance ticket to take their exam, as the exam room is not in the main building.

The meeting point is 30 minutes before the start of the exam. Candidates must be in the exam room 15 minutes before the exam begins and bring a government-issued photo ID (passport, ID card, or driver’s license), their LPI ID, and the exam fee in cash.

General information about Chemnitzer Linux-Tage is available on the event’s website. The LPI website provides information about the LPI exams and essential exam preparation hints. Learning materials for exam preparation are available at

Win a server, plush Tux and reference books in the LPI quiz

Visit our booth and join the big LPI quiz! Take your chance to win a Thomas Krenn Low Energy Server v4, provided by Thomas Krenn AG, a large plush Tux, sponsored by, and reference books from Rheinwerk Verlag.

If you have questions or want to schedule a meeting at Chemnitzer Linuxtage, please contact us!

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