Linux Clubs

Help advance information technology education in your community

The Linux Clubs program supports teachers, community organizers and technology advocates who teach, train and advance student careers in information technology.

Who Can Benefit

  • School teachers/ administrators looking to offer fun and educational activities
  • Local computer classes for teenagers/ seniors/ second career
  • Veteran education & training programs
  • Linux User Groups (LUG) & similar organizations

Linux Clubs make learning technology enjoyable

Clubs at schools and community centers make learning technology enjoyable. Club programming can prepare their members for rewarding careers and engaging hobbies. They encourage community service and involvement, entrepreneurship, innovation and learning-by-doing. Clubs can provide members with social networks that can last a lifetime.

Working with Open Source software further encourages…

  • an ethos of sharing
  • collaboration
  • shared accomplishment

While club members are having fun with computing, they can be laying the groundwork for fulfilling, high-paying careers working with Open Source.

Benefits of Starting a Linux Club

  • Free learning materials
  • Club development resources
  • Access to a support forum with your peers
  • Free annual Essentials exam for the teacher
  • Two free Linux Essentials exams each year for distribution to Club members
  • No fees

Connect with LPI

In order to join the Linux Club programs, each school/ club/ association requires a leader, such as an instructor or staff, who who is the point person with the Linux Professional Institute.

Our program will assist your club advance its goals through resources that help with planning, acquiring resources and fundraising with the free Open Source Clubs Guide. The guide is a collaborative effort and living document that will grow and improve. It serves to provide the tools teachers and leaders need to run a club, including lesson plans, extra-curricular activities, group challenges and everything else that can help.

Contact Us

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Thank you Stu!

Special thanks to Stu Keroff, whose own club was the foundation for the Open Source Club Guide. Stu’s passion for teaching Linux to his students continues to inspire LPI’s Linux Clubs program.