A hackathon’s story: first GHOFOSS hackathon, Italy
Since the start of the project for an open history of FOSS, the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) defines it as a “glocal” one. By glocal, we mean the best possible mix of global and local history, stories, and initiatives. Sunday, … Weiterlesen
Open source careers: A tough start, a different future, a lot of FOSS
Hi, it’s Dani here; Milo for my friends. I was born 40 years ago in Bogotá, Colombia, yes: the country tagged as violent and poor. That is not something you think about when you are a child and your dreams, … Weiterlesen
Help Us Refresh the LPIC-2 Certification Objectives
We have recently started the ball rolling on our regular refresh of the objectives for LPIC-2. We’re always looking for opinions and other input from our community, too. If you are interested in helping out or just observing some of … Weiterlesen
History of Women in Computing: GNU Girls
The computer field—and especially free and open source software—has to work harder to be friendly to women and non-binary participants. We could do well to look at a little-known group called GNU Girls that helped to change the field between … Weiterlesen
Simone “Simo” Bertulli: LPI’s Certifications – What Is Your Path?
In this post I will do something different from the previous ones: I will be matching the LPI’s certifications panel with specific job descriptions and career paths. LPI offers technical certifications for every level of training and on different subjects. … Weiterlesen
The People Behind the Learning Portal: Luciano Siqueira
Linux Professional Institute (LPI) launched the Learning Portal in June 2019. The Learning Portal is the repository of all the Learning Materials for our exams. The whole project is managed by Dr. Markus Wirtz, Manager Learning Materials at LPI. We designed … Weiterlesen
How to Handle Vulnerabilities in Third-Party Programming Libraries
Almost all software calls multiple layers of third-party libraries. Suppose, for instance, that a Java program invokes a function from a standard library to format a date. That function might in turn call a function from another library that understands … Weiterlesen
LPI Shares Plans and Services with Asia-Pacific Partners
It is great to see partners of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) getting together and sharing ideas with LPI. This article reports the major topics of the first Asia-Pacific APAC Partner Meeting, which took place on November 19, 2021. LPI … Weiterlesen
The Opening World: An Open Anniversary Review, Part 2
This is the second of a two-part article on openness in everything everywhere. The first part was devoted to the unfortunately necessary defense of openness. This second part presents a case study and more examples. Open Source Intel: A Case … Weiterlesen
The Opening World: An Open Anniversary Review, Part 1
Walls holding back information sharing and participatory decision-making have been breaking down over the past few decades. Many readers will question this claim, basing their fears on recent developments in politics, disinformation, and social disintegration. But I hold on to … Weiterlesen
Climbing the Pyramid
Just a few weeks ago, Linux Professional Institute announced a complete refresh of its Level 3 exams, the second since its founding. As with our other certifications, the LPIC-3 program is under constant review to ensure that what we test … Weiterlesen
Open Access Flips Hundreds of Years of Scientific Research, Part 2
A true revolution has hit academia over the past couple decades, changing how publications fund their work and in consequence the ways researchers share information. The previous article in this series introduced Open Access, describing its benefits and how it … Weiterlesen