Open Access Flips Hundreds of Years of Scientific Research
We have viewed the spirit of openness from many angles—in free software, open government, and many other trends—in the Open Anniversary series published on this LPI site during 2021. No field has been more transformed by this spirit than academic … Weiterlesen
Grounding For Open Source Foundations: An Interview with Martin Michlmayr
Foundations play a crucial role in open source. Few free software projects can set up a non-profit corporation and legal protection for their code, organize a board of directors to handle all their administrative needs, or raise the necessary funds. … Weiterlesen
Simone “Simo” Bertulli: Lpic-3 Security – How to Approach the Certification
When you are LPIC-2 certified and start looking at the highest level of certification in Linux Professional Institute (LPI), the LPIC-3 specializations, you are faced with a choice. On the one hand, a better and more extensive academic preparation would … Weiterlesen
Why I started… and ended up loving open source software
Twenty-two years ago, I attended a few lessons about a „new“ operating system, Red Hat Linux 4.2. At that time, my notes about the training were basic commands, enough to fill a little sheet of paper: my first cheat sheet … Weiterlesen
Why Free and Open Source Software is So Highly Valued
The millions of projects on GitHub (just the largest of several code sharing sites) prove that people love to share software. Even though not all the projects have free licences, their availability for public examination shows that code sharing meets … Weiterlesen
SFD 2021: An 11-hour community gathering
To be honest, we didn’t know what to expect. In retrospect, the year 2020 may have been a very odd year for Linux Professional Institute (LPI) to get initially involved with international Software Freedom Day (SFD). After all, this has … Weiterlesen
The People Behind the Learning Portal: Marco Colombo, Learning Materials Author and Translator
The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Learning Portal brings you cost-free teaching materials for teachers and students developed by Linux Professional Institute. Materials are written and translated into many different languages by members of an international community. With this post, we … Weiterlesen
LPIC-3 Mixed Environments 3.0 Introduction #05: 305 Linux Identity Management and File Sharing
This blog posting is the fifth and final in a series that helps you prepare for the new version 3.0 of the LPIC-3 Mixed Environments exam. In the previous posts we have learned a lot about managing identities for Windows systems. Even … Weiterlesen
The Many Meanings of Linux, Part 2 of 2
The first part of this article explored the astonishing impact of Linux on allowing an entirely free computer system, proving the viability of free and open source software, Triggering a move toward open standards and open source software, and bringing … Weiterlesen
Arjang OÜ: Why we have been an LPI training partner for ten years
Arjang OÜ is a computer training school centered in Istanbul, Turkiye. Our technical team consists of experienced trainers, developers, and system administrators. We have been delivering quality training both nationally and internationally. We also have a certification system to evaluate … Weiterlesen
LPIC-3 Mixed Environments 3.0 Introduction #04: 304: Samba Client Configuration
This blog posting is the fourth in a series that helps you prepare for the new version 3.0 of the LPIC-3 Mixed Environments exam. In the previous post we set up an entire infrastructure, containing of two Active Directory domain controllers, a … Weiterlesen
What the “Glocal history of FOSS” project is and what you can do for it
As you know already the Italian Linux Society, fresh from Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Community Partnership, teamed up with LPI and the broader Brazilian FOSS community on the “Glocal history of FOSS” project. Learn more, reading this post, about how … Weiterlesen