
Are you ready to be a DevOps Engineer?

Congratulations! You have just passed the LPI DevOps certification exam. You are now ready for action when it comes to the tool- and tech-side of DevOps. To become an even better DevOps Engineer, there are three topics that will help … Weiterlesen

Why are Beta Exams Important for the Certification Development?

In the fall of 2018, LPI held beta exam labs for the updated LPIC-1 certification.  Exam development is a complex process, both when it comes to updating existing certifications, and when it comes to developing new ones, such as the … Weiterlesen

Linux Essentials Version 1.6 Update

Besides LPIC-1, the Linux Essential certificate received an update in October 2018, too. It is a minor update which brings the certificate from version 1.5 to version 1.6 and only includes a few changes. In today’s post we take a … Weiterlesen

LPIC-1: Clouds, Desktops and Some More Changes

Besides the topics discussed in the last posts, LPIC-1 version 5.0 introduces various small changes which we will discuss today. Most noticeably, the new objective ‘Linux as a virtualization guest’, was added to exam 101. This objective covers specialties of running … Weiterlesen

LPIC-1: iproute2 and NetworkManager

The restructuring of the networking objectives is one of the major changes in LPIC-1 version 5.0. The entire topic 109 is dedicated to the connectivity of your system. The new structure divides the topic into networking fundamentals (109.1), persistent network … Weiterlesen

LPIC-1: Systemd Beyond Services

In today’s post, we review some topics related to systemd that go beyond starting and stopping services. These topics were added to LPIC-1 in version 5.0. Objective 101.3 already covered systemd in version 4.0. The focus of this objective is managing … Weiterlesen

LPIC-1: Loading Linux

In October 2018, LPI updated LPIC-1 to version 5.0 and Linux Essentials to version 1.6. In this blog series we will review the major changes introduced by these updates. Today, we start with an overview of ways to load the … Weiterlesen

Recent Technical Innovation Requires New Exams: LPIC-1 version 5.0

Since October 2018, the latest versions of the LPIC-1 exams are available. Many people see the exams 101 and 102, which are required to obtain the ‘LPIC-1: Linux Administrator’ certification, as an ideal starting point to launch a career in … Weiterlesen

Studying for the LPI Certification Exam

One of the question I often answer when taking part in a Free Software or Education event is, „How can I study for the LPI Certification Exam?“ The answer for this question depends a lot on the student profile. Is … Weiterlesen

Scratching The Itch? On LPI’s Academic Advisory Council

There may be no greater return on investment, and for not just the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) or any professional or learning organization, in the quest for human knowledge, than focusing on young adults who are still planning their careers. … Weiterlesen

On IBM, Microsoft, RedHat, and Loss of Innocence

Forgive me as I wax nostalgic and go on about our collective lost innocence. Perhaps I should capitalize and italicize the word, „Innocence.“ You see, I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching since the news of IBM purchasing RedHat broke … Weiterlesen

Open Source Journeys: In Conversation With Craig Maloney

This is Episode 1 of a new podcast series. Marcel hangs out and chats with people who have been captured by the spirit and promise of Linux and Open Source software. Open Source is part philosophy, part technology, and part … Weiterlesen