
Linux Certification Virtual Summit

GO BEHIND THE SCENES WITH WORLD-CLASS LINUX EXPERTS We’ve brought together world-class Linux Experts to give you a behind-the-scenes look at what it really takes to get your Professional Linux Certifications. Linux Certification Virtual Summit was designed to give you a clear step-by-step … Weiterlesen

LPI at Linux Days 2016 in Prague

On the weekend of October 8 – 9th, LPI Central Europe participated at Linux Days 2016 in Prague, Chechia. Linux Days ( is the largest Czech technical open-source and Linux conference, organized annually by a group of open source enthusiasts … Weiterlesen

LPI Brazil and FISL 17

Another great year and turnout for FISL 2016, marking 17 years tracking the changes in technology and proposing open source solutions in Brazil and South America.   Each year the International Free Software Forum has established itself as a place … Weiterlesen

LPI at open source Day 2016

On April 26th the Linux Professional Institute Central Europe participated as one of the patrons of media at the Conference open source Day 2016 in Warsaw, Poland. The open source Day is probably the biggest event in Poland dedicated to … Weiterlesen

PUE Day 2016

PUE is the main LPI partner in Spain and organizes its 3rd Edition of PUE DAY. This event will present new academic initiatives in ICT official certification and training to the educational community of Spain. The main purpose of PUE … Weiterlesen

LPI-CE and Cisco NetAcad Work Together in Poland to Promote Future IT Specialists

LPI Central Europe and Cisco Networking Academy are organizing a series of Linux Essentials workshops in major Polish cities. The first of these workshops will take place on December 9th in Warsaw and December 10th in Poznan. The agenda of … Weiterlesen

LPI Hosts Exam Preparation and Exam Labs at SCALE 14x

The Linux Professional Institute (LPI), the world’s premier Linux certification organization announced exam labs sessions for their Linux Professional Institute Certifications (LPIC) at SCALE 14x at the Pasadena Convention Center, Pasadena, California on January 24, 2016.  Take advantage of a … Weiterlesen

LPI visits academic partner, UCLan Cyprus

The University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus (short UCLan Cyprus), is located in Pyla, Larnaka. The University is an Academic Partner (LPI AAP) of LPI and students at this University already have trainings to get the LPI Linux Essentials and the … Weiterlesen