Linux Professional Institute (LPI) invites you to join us, our Partners and our community for an introduction into the LPI Partner Programs, taking place November 4, 2021 from 10:00 am EDT – 12:30 pm EDT. We are looking forward to hosting you and answering any questions.
The webinar will provide you with;
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Training and Academic
Channel and Community
Why Linux Professional Institute
Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is the global certification standard and career support organization for open source professionals. Our mission is to promote the use of open source by supporting the people who work with it. With more than 200,000 certification holders, we are the world’s first and largest vendor-neutral Linux and open source certification body. We have certified professionals in over 180 countries, deliver exams in multiple languages, and have hundreds of training partners.
Linux Professional Institute’s Partner Programs will boost any company or organization that’s involved in open source. And in the process increase visibility and revenue.
If you are looking for additional information or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Harrison Amit