Devenir un partenaire de formation

Toute organisation, commerciale ou à but non lucratif, qui souhaite produire du personnel technique compétent pour travailler avec les technologies informatiques open source peut bénéficier d’un partenariat avec le Linux Professional Institute (LPI). Un partenariat signale que vous proposez un programme de haute qualité et que vous offrez de fortes chances de maîtrise du sujet, de certification et d’emploi à la fin de votre programme.

LPI propose les certifications les plus respectées dans le domaine des technologies open source, avec une portée mondiale. Mais nous offrons encore plus : du matériel d’apprentissage, des informations liées à l’emploi, et une communauté qui participe à l’orientation de l’avenir de notre organisation à but non lucratif. Nous sommes indépendants des fournisseurs.

LPI soutient plusieurs méthodes d’étude et de préparation aux tests. Nous encourageons les éditeurs, les employeurs, les écoles et les centres de formation à développer des approches innovantes de l’apprentissage. Notre objectif est une gamme diversifiée d’options éducatives qui mettent l’accent sur la qualité et l’apprentissage axé sur l’étudiant.

LPI est un organisme à but non lucratif.

LPI Training Partner program members boost their community profile through a demonstrated commitment to career-oriented education in open source software. LPI partners demonstrate a commitment to quality and high standards by using LPI-recognized trainers and committing to LPI’s code of conduct. Certification exams are generally built into partners’ training programs, showing candidates that the training program is tailored to produce immediate professional capability.

Financial and other partner support programs can enhance marketing and community awareness. Our coupons and vouchers provide discounts to students, revenue to the training center, or both. Other partner benefits include access to the LPI Learning Materials, which can complement partner offerings.

Our partnerships for training organizations include:

  • Corporate Training Partner program: For commercial training companies.
  • Academic Partner Program: For schools, colleges and universities, and other public sector entities teaching IT. Partnerships add value to these partners’ graduation programs, so that their graduates can start their careers with a professional IT certification in open source.

Why partner with LPI?

Founded in 1999, Linux Professional Institute has been the only global organization dedicated to supporting individuals and building careers in the field of free and open source software. Since then it has become the world’s largest certification body in open source, having delivered more than 700,000 exams in more than 190 countries. Its unique exam development process employs full psychometric techniques, carried out by a worldwide network of educators and subject experts.

Employers trust that LPI’s certificate holders have the necessary skills and have rewarded them accordingly. According to a study carried out by the Certification Magazine:

  • In the USA, LPIC-1 holders are #1 with the highest salary of all Linux certifications.
  • Worldwide, LPIC-2 holders are #1 with the highest salary of all Linux certifications.  LPIC-1 holders are #2.

These statistics serve as recognition of the thorough coverage given to important Linux skills by LPI certifications. LPI prepares IT professionals for careers, not just jobs.

LPI is a mission-driven non-profit organization, committed to global and diverse accessibility and constantly seeking ways to improve.

LPI is unique in that it creates the skills standards, the exams that test to those standards, and the certifications to demonstrate achievement. Furthermore, LPI is also committed to creating up-to-date, freely available learning materials for all certifications, so that students can pick the best learning method for preparing for the exams. Those materials can also be used by partners to develop courses and as complementary material for their training offerings (even with free cobranding options). LPI also commits to never competing with its partners; It does not offer its own training or publish books.

The career reach of LPI certifications is also uniquely broad and sophisticated. Starting with LPIC-1, the certification holder can plan a career progression and take higher-level certifications exams as she/he gets more skilled on new open source technologies (LPIC-2, LPIC-3, DevOps, BSD Specialist, etc.).

LPI does not stand alone in promoting IT professionals — our partners have always been an integral part of our community.

Training program benefits

Some of the advantages you can draw on as a training partner:

  • Use of the corresponding Training Partner logo
  • Discounts on exams (partners have the option to pass on the discount to exam-takers, keep the discount for themselves, or split the difference)
  • The option to either pre-purchase exams or provide students with coupons that they use to purchase discounted exams
  • Easy access to exam purchase, student and coupon management and accounting through the new Partner Portal
  • Complimentary professional development exam vouchers (free certification exam vouchers for partner’s instructors)
  • Access to the trainer program
  • Free co-branding rights for learning material content
  • Training partner certificate and other materials honoring partner status
  • Recognition of the official partner status on the LPI website
  • Frequent and expansive co-marketing opportunities, such as targeted press releases, byline sharing, coordinated email announcements, coordinated presence at conferences, participation in our annual Software Freedom Day event, and ancillary recognition

What it means to be a training partner

This is what we expect from our partners:

  • A fundamental commitment to certifying students
  • Adherence to our Code of Ethics
  • Access to the course materials and facilities as required for occasional review
  • Recognition of their official LPI partner status on marketing materials, including the organization’s website

Training organization requirements

Training partners make the following commitments to LPI:

  1. The organization will provide a learning program that is of merit, reflecting the good intent, neutrality, and objective measures of the LPI certification program in the Linux community.
  2. The organization will develop, publish, and follow a clear road map for linking their Linux courses to LPI certifications so that individuals can readily plan their career development.
  3. The organization will offer courses based on accepted instructional design methodologies for each modality used. Course procedures and content will be valid and reliable.
  4. The organization will encourage hands-on and/or simulation practice as part of their program.
  5. The organization will provide objective and standardized means to evaluate student skills as part of their program.
  6. The organization will employ instructors who know the subject matter and have a demonstrated ability to teach.
  7. The organization will use instructors registered with LPI or provide proof of professional training as a computer instructor. (Ask about our « Train the Trainer » support.)
  8. In classroom learning, there will be at least one instructor (contractor or employee) in the organization that is certified at each LPI level for which they are providing training. We allow each training organization some flexibility and ramp-up time on the total number of certified individuals required. The ramp-up time is normally one year since the start of the partnership, but this can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis depending upon the organization’s size and market share.

Interested in becoming a partner?

Contact us.

This form is only for inquiries from organizations. If you wish to contact LPI as an individual, please use this form.

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