
Why I Joined the LPI Board of Directors — Ricardo Prudenciato

Since the beginning of my career, I have always recognized the significant value of professional certifications. They have consistently served as guides in my studies and professional development, while also standing out as notable additions to my resume, demonstrating initiative, … Per saperne di più

Morrolinux: Tabby – Your Friendly, FOSS, Neighborhood Terminal

Juggling multiple SSH connections can turn into a real headache. Imagine having to remember which host is running what command or constantly guessing the right session among a dozen open tabs. If you’ve been there, you’ll know the struggle. Enter … Per saperne di più

Devin Ulibarri: How Sugar Labs Empowers Education via FLOSS

In this interview, Devin Ulibarri, Executive Director of Sugar Labs, shares insights into the organization’s mission to enhance education through open-source technology. As part of our series highlighting the social and human side of FOSS, Devin takes us on a … Per saperne di più

Linux & LPI Certifications: Daniele Sconda’s Path to a Fulfilling Career

When I first encountered GNU/Linux, I never imagined it would transform both my professional path and my personal growth. My name is Daniele Sconda, I live in Flero, and I work as an IT systems administrator. This is the story … Per saperne di più

A Great SC24: Bigani’s Event’s Report

SC24 offered a wealth of learning opportunities, combining technical sessions, workshops, and networking. Bigani highlighted these standout areas: HPC and AI Application Development: Strategies to optimize HPC resources for AI workflows. Deep and Machine Learning: Using HPC for scalable and … Per saperne di più

Morrolinux: Help Me Help You – Netiquette & Proactive Communication

Ciao a tutti! Today, I want to share something a bit different from my usual content. This post is based on my talk at Linux Day 2024 in Verona, titled Aiutami ad aiutarti – Netiquette e comunicazione proattiva (Help Me … Per saperne di più

Latinoware 2024: Celebrating FOSS Across Latin America

Why does Latinoware matter? As one of the most vibrant gatherings of the free software community in Latin America, Latinoware 2024 stood out as not only as a technical conference but a hub for collaboration, innovation, and inspiration. Held on … Per saperne di più

With LPI’s Help: Eilay Yosfan on Linux Skills for Cybersecurity

I am Eilay Yosfan, a Threat Researcher at Security Joes, where my role involves analyzing and addressing complex security incidents across both Linux and Windows environments. During my career, I often found that my limited experience with Linux hindered my … Per saperne di più

A Linux Moment: What Does It Offer the Everyday Computer User?

An earlier article explained what Linux is and what makes it special. It can help you appreciate one of its big advantages: When you use Linux, no one controls which applications you install or cuts off service if you decide … Per saperne di più

The LPI Difference #3: Global Skill Development

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) reached its 25th anniversary as a unique organization in support of free and open source software. Although people come to LPI mostly to get professional certifications—and most of our revenue comes from certifications—our work and values … Per saperne di più

Simo Bertulli’s Three-Year Experience With LPI Membership

It has been three years since I first enrolled in the LPI Membership Program, and as the end of my initial cycle approaches, I believe it’s the perfect time to reflect on the program’s developments and achievements. While LPI celebrates … Per saperne di più

A Linux Moment: Why It Matters to Non-Techies

Computing is too pervasive and too important to leave up to the professionals. Linux is one of the computing phenomena that ordinary folks should understand better—and one that might improve their own lives directly. This article, aimed at people without … Per saperne di più