How LPI’s Certifications Shaped My Career: Lilia Sfaxi

How LPI's Certifications Shaped My Career: Lilia Sfaxi

As a passionate computer science teacher, I have always advocated for the use of Linux in the classroom. Its reliability, versatility, and widespread adoption in the industry make it an ideal choice for aspiring professionals. Little did I know that my enthusiasm for Linux would lead me on a transformative path toward obtaining certifications and discovering the value of my knowledge. In this blog post, I want to share my journey and the pivotal role that the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) played in shaping my career.

My Early Linux Use, a great networking opportunity
For years, I had been teaching the “UNIX Operating Systems” module and working with Linux-based tools as a Big Data researcher. Linux had become an integral part of my professional life, but I never considered formal certification. I believed my knowledge was not deep enough to warrant such recognition. However, everything changed when I took on the role of director at the Career Center of my institute, the INSAT- Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie.

As a novice director, I was afraid that managing partnerships and certifications would turn out to be overwhelming. However, our team decided to take the leap and apply for the partnership with LPI. That’s when I had the privilege of connecting with Mrs. Sonia Ben Othman, the remarkable LPI representative in the Maghreb. With her guidance and unwavering support, we secured our first contract, marking the beginning of an exciting collaboration.

Certification and Training Programs
Our agreement with LPI Maghreb included conducting a certification program for students and a training program for teachers. Determined to strive for excellence, we called for computer science teachers interested in providing LPIC-2 training, to maximize the effect of the partnership program. Little did I anticipate the dual role I would assume as both a participant and an organizer.

Challenges and Triumphs
As a newcomer, I found the intensive two-week LPIC-2 training to be a formidable challenge. However, fueled by my passion for learning, I embraced the opportunity with unwavering dedication. Our experienced trainer patiently answered my myriad questions, ensuring a supportive and engaging learning environment. I was thrilled to discover technical notions aligned with my teaching and encountered entirely new concepts that broadened my expertise.

Moments of Doubt and Perseverance
Throughout the journey, doubts crept in, causing me to question my ability to pass the exams. Taking the LPIC-1 and LPIC-2 exams within a few weeks seemed like a daunting feat. However, fueled by determination, I persevered. Collaborating with my colleagues, we exchanged materials, practiced mock tests, and supported each other’s progress. In the end, our hard work paid off as we all successfully passed both exams, marking a significant achievement in our professional development.

Present and Future
I am immensely proud of my personal and professional growth through the Linux certification journey. Thanks to LPI and the support of my colleagues, I have gained confidence, expanded my knowledge, and discovered new opportunities for growth. This experience has reinforced my belief in the power of certifications and their ability to validate skills, open doors, and enhance career prospects. To all aspiring professionals, I encourage you to embrace the journey and uncover the transformative impact of Linux certification. Together, let us celebrate the triumphs and continue sharing our voices in the ever-evolving world of technology.

About Lilia Sfaxi:

Dr. Lilia Sfaxi earned an engineering degree in software engineering from the University of Carthage, INSAT institute in 2007. She obtained a master's degree in Micro and Nano Electronics from the National Polytechnic School of Grenoble (INPG) in 2008. She also has a Ph.D. in computer science in joint guardianship (cotutelle) between the University of Grenoble (Verimag Laboratory) and the University of Tunis el Manar (LIP2 Laboratory), obtained in 2012. She is currently an assistant professor at INSAT, since 2012, in the Computer Science and Mathematics department. She teaches several courses, such as Business Intelligence, mobile design and development, software engineering, and Software Architectures. But her real interest resides in the Big Data field, which she teaches in her institute and specializes in as her research activities. She is a member of the LIPSIC Laboratory (formerly LIP2 laboratory) and currently works on Big Data decisional architectures and Big Data methodologies and best practices.

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