Brazil Embraces the Open Code: Partnership between LPI and SENAI

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) in Brazil recently established a technological cooperation partnership, platinum level, with the National Service for Industrial Learning (SENAI). This collaboration has an impact far beyond the usual commercial partnerships. It raises the importance of Linux, and of open source software in general, in the industrial policy of a large country.

SENAI is the largest private professional education complex in Latin America. Since its creation in 1942, it has trained more than 73 million workers in 28 areas of the industry. It is present in more than two thousand Brazilian municipalities, with 587 fixed units and 457 mobile units, including two boats that sail in the Amazon region of Brazil to conduct schooling. SENAI offers courses at all levels of professional and technological education.

SENAI reinforces both the careers of individual workers and the productivity of the country as a whole, by offering more than 1,800 courses to approximately 2.3 million students each year. They also offer online courses in all modalities, making it easier for students to start or continue their training in times of pandemic.

International certifications aimed at ICT are one of the main objectives of SENAI. The ICT segment has been growing rapidly in several areas, such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, and IoT, among others. This growth has been generating unfilled job vacancies, for which companies want the guarantee provided by international certification of their candidates. An increase in certifications will be facilitated by SENAI’s partnership with LPI, which provides Learning Materials and certifications in various areas of system administration, network administration, and other computing topics. The partnership allows discounts for Brazilian students seeking LPI certification. Ultimately, the Brazilian industry will benefit from a workforce with more expertise in open source software.

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