LPI Board Elections: An introduction

Missed the webinar? Watch the recording

For the first time, Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is opening community nominations for its Board of Directors to be voted on by LPI Members in the spring of 2021. This webinar is part 1 of a series. It provides an introduction to the election process and how you can get involved.

You will learn:

  • why LPI is now holding elections for its Board of Directors
  • what is the nomination and election process
  • how candidates can get on the ballot
  • how to assist in the process (such as becoming a member of the Nomination Committee)

Come prepared with questions!

Register Now. Space is limited. This webinar will be recorded and shared on the LPI YouTube channel afterwards.

For more information, visit our website and join the second webinar of this series.

When is this webinar being hosted in your time zone?

  • Tokyo (Nov 11) 2:00AM
  • Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna 6:00PM
  • Sao Paulo 3:00PM
  • Lima 12:00PM

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