Learning Materials Now Cover the Entire LPIC-1 Exams

Thanks to the efforts of more than 12 professionals from 7 countries, free Learning Materials are now available for the 102 exam for LPIC-1 certification.

Linux Professional Institute (LPI), which certifies professionals in GNU/Linux and related free software tools, is committed to providing Learning Materials in multiple languages for people who want to prepare for LPI exams. Learning Materials are tied closely to the tests, with a one- to two-hour lesson for each objective on the test. These materials are meant to complement other books and educational sources.

The project started with materials for Linux Essentials, an introduction to the more advanced certification track. The next higher level, LPIC-1 certification, requires passing two exams: 101 and 102. Learning Materials for exam 101 have been available since February 2020.

Dr. Markus Wirtz, Manager of Education Programs at LPI, said, “We are happy to announce that, thanks to enormous cooperation with Linux experts from all over the world, we have now completed the learning materials for LPIC-1 with exam 102.”

Although the materials are currently only in English, translations into several other languages are underway. As these materials become available, they will be reported on this site.

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