LPI Japan Exhibiting at Developers Summit 2020

2020.2.13, 14

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Japan invites you to join them at Developers Summit 2020 taking place 2020.2.13, 14. at Hotel Gajoen Tokyo.

Today, engineers are required to use DevOps to maximize team power and this year’s theme at the Developers Summit 2020 is “creating together”.  Join to unite friends and aspirations beyond the organization.


Visit LPI Japan at our booth! We will have the original DevOps stickers available. If you have any questions for the team, we would be happy to answer them!

Linux Professional Institute DevOps Tools Engineer Certification

The Linux Professional Institute DevOps Tools Engineer certification verifies the skills needed to use the tools that enhance collaboration in workflows throughout system administration and software development. Download the Checklist.

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