LPI Italia is Gold Sponsor of Incontro DevOps Italia 2019

March 7 – 8, 2019

Linux Professional Institute Italia is excited to show continued support for Incontro DevOps Italia (IDI) 2019 as a gold sponsor. IDI will be held in Bologna, Italy, on March 7 – 8, 2019.

Michele Finelli from Biodec, among the Incontro DevOps Italia organizers, thanks LPI for the sponsorship and told us:

“The seventh edition of Incontro DevOps Italia marks an important milestone in the history of the event: the 2019 edition is the coming of age one for the Italian DevOps movement, as DevOps is spreading into more and more companies. DevOps roots in the Agile Software Development principles and aims to improve the work of both Development and operations.

An organization needs Information Technology to be competitive: IDI is a great place to start your DevOps path: we’ll welcome you in Bologna for the workshops (March 7th), the conference (March 8th), or both!”

Daniele Cirio, Italy Country Manager of Linux Professional Institute, stated:

“We are very happy to sponsor IDI 2019. In 2017 we had the opportunity to introduce the new LPI DevOps certification; DevOps Tools Engineer. Two years later the DevOps approach and methodologies are even more the flywheel of innovation, hence, we are honoured to be a sponsor of one of the most important Italian DevOps event.”

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