Filling our Nomination Committee

When it turned 20 years old, Linux Professional Institute (LPI) made a major change to the way it’s governed. We formalized and broadened the role of Members in LPI, and these Members have the right to elect the LPI Board of Directors. Since this change to the bylaws, we’ve rolled out the Membership program and are now preparing to let our Members vote for our Board. We will be holding elections in the Spring of 2021 and will be taking applications soon for people wanting to be candidates in that election.

At this time, we are looking for people to serve on the Nomination Committee, a group that will seek out candidates and qualify applicants in line with the needs of LPI and its community. We need a small but dedicated group to perform this brief but important function; if you wish to apply please go to this link.

After the Nomination Committee is formed, we will be seeking out candidates for Director through two channels:

Applicants to the Nomination Committee — anyone may apply, and the Committee will select a first slate of candidates

Applicants to be Member-Nominated Candidates — any Member of LPI who obtains 20 endorsements from other Members will appear on a second slate of candidates

Before and at the LPI Annual General Meeting in 2021, Members of LPI will be able to vote for Candidates based on both the Nomination Committee slate and the Member-nominated slate.

We understand that this process is new and a little complex. We were holding a webinar ‘LPI Board Elections: An introduction’ on November 10, 2020 to explain the process further (watch the recording), and a second webinar on November 23, 2020, which outlined the role of the Nomination Committee and how you can become a champion of your FOSS community (watch the recording). A third webinar will be held on December 9, 2020, and focus on why and how to become an LPI Director.

You can also send your questions at any time to

More information about the election process is available at this web page. 
A recording of the webinar that explainded the election process is available here.
And a recording of the webinar that outlined the role of the Nomination Committee is available here.
Information about the Nomination Committee is here.
Information about the election of the Board of Directors is here

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