Linux Essentials Learning Materials now available in Japanese

Linux Essentials is the most basic Linux Professional Institute (LPI) certification. With the release of Learning Materials for this certification in Japanese, LPI takes another step toward meeting the needs of Japanese learners who want a career in Linux and free software.

Japan is one of the countries where LPI certification is most popular, among both computer professionals and the companies hiring them. These people and companies realize that Linux Professional Institute certification makes the use of free and open source software more robust and improves employment possibilities.

During the past year, Linux Professional Institute Japan and the larger worldwide LPI have made fast progress in providing access to certification. An important component of LPI services is our Learning Materials, created by teams of experts around the world. On the heels of our announcement that new certifications are available online in Japanese, LPI has now translated its in-depth Learning Materials for the Linux Essentials test.

“Excellent cooperation with Kenji Ito and Hiroharu Nagahara has made it possible to reach this new milestone in such a short time”, says Dr. Markus Wirtz, Manager Education Programs at LPI.

Kenji Ito, Communication Director at LPI Japan, says “I welcome the release of the Japanese version of the Linux Essentials LPI material. I hope that this will lead to more and more Linux Essentials certifications in Japan.” 

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