Linux Professional Institute Italia Proud Partner of HackTheCloud

November 27 – 28, 2018

Linux Professional Institute Italia is thrilled to be partnering with Hack the Cloud taking place from November 27 – 28, 2018 in Milan, Italy.

Learning to program in the cloud has never been so fun

If you study or have just graduated in computer science or computer engineering, if the code exalts you and if you want to test yourself in a challenge with other people like you, make sure to subscribe to #HackTheCloud!


Daniele Cirio, Linux Professional Institute Italia Country Manager, stated; “It is a honour to be Partner of #HackTheCloud with LPI. Cloud technologies are crucial for the regional technological development: even more in the small and medium-sized business; meanwhile, GNU/Linux and Open Source demonstrated to be the winning approach to Cloud technologies.”

Professor Leonardo Mariani, IT Department, Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca, stated; “Hack the Cloud is an event combining, in an original way, Cloud technology skills and a challenge of Cloud services for the city of future.

The event program is articulated in a day of practical training on Cloud Open Technologies. It is a great opportunity to work on tools such as OpenStack and JuJu under the GARR experts supervision. Acquired skills will be certified via an open badge.

The second day will see the true hackathon: the teams will work to use the acquired knowledge on the developing of Cloud services for a smart city. The hackathon will award not only the achieved level of development, but also the quality of the ideas developed through the day.”

Professor Giuseppe Attardi, GARR Computing & Distributed Storage Department Coordinator, stated; “GARR is very happy to support exciting training events such as Hack the Cloud, which enables attendees to experience advanced deploy and automation tools provided by the university and our federate Cloud computing platform.

We do hope to bring students to Cloud technologies, technologies that will have an increasingly important role in all the application environments, contributing to the next generation of Cloud experts.”

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