Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Publishes 2022-2023 Annual Review

2022-2023 Annual Review LPI

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) extends its gratitude to the LPI community, volunteers, partners, board, and staff for their contributions to the organization’s success in 2022 and early 2023. As we continue initiatives in 2023 that support our community and volunteers, LPI is excited to share the new edition of its Annual Review, showcasing the products, programs, activities, and projects developed over the past year in service of our mission, “promoting the use of open source by supporting the people who work with it.”

One of the highlights of 2023 was the launch of Security Essentials, a new certificate aimed at establishing foundational knowledge in IT Security. Security Essentials not only provides an introduction to skills that will be used by candidates who go on to pursue careers in system administration and other IT-related fields, but also makes it possible for people from non-technical backgrounds to learn the skills needed to safeguard against ever-evolving digital threats.

With free Learning Materials for Security Essentials planned for release 2023, last year also saw the availability of Learning Materials for Linux Essentials reach 13 languages, while Learning Materials for Web Development Essentials became available in 10 languages within the first year of the certificate’s release. These contributions to open knowledge were made possible through the work of passionate volunteers from around the world. LPI is committed to making entry-level IT topics accessible to as many people as possible around the world who are interested in learning more about technology and are seeking resources to support entry into a new career.

Upgrade to Linux, an initiative to encourage the adoption of Linux and open source, was launched with the support of partners, volunteers, and open source enthusiasts in 2022. A curation of why and how users should “Upgrade to Linux”, and how you can join the initiative, can be viewed at

The 2022-23 LPI Annual Review also details additions to Partnership, Membership, events attended by LPI, and the election of three new board directors, two of whom were previously LPI Members themselves. Participation on our board provides the LPI community with a greater voice in the direction of the organization’s initiatives as it moves into the upcoming year.

Read the full 2022-2023 Annual Review for a complete overview, featuring testimonials from partners and volunteers, open source software used at LPI, and other activities. LPI would like to once again thank its community members for their support, without which the above achievements would not have been possible. We look forward to what can be accomplished together in the shared mission of supporting the people who work with open source in the years to come.

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