LPI CE Thrilled to be Presenting at Warsaw IT Days

April 8 – 9 2021

Linux Professional Institute Central Europe (LPI CE) invites you to connect with them virtually at Warsaw IT Days (WDI) taking place April 8 – 9, 2021. LPI CE is delighted to be supporting and presenting at this great event!

Warsaw IT Days

Watch over 200 specially prepared lectures in a VoD model, and visit IT Job Fair and be with us during the LIVE broadcast of speeches from the most popular tracks.

From several hundred submissions, we selected more than 200 best speeches, from which we arranged over 24 VoD and 2 live tracks; Video On-demand and Live Stream Recordings. You can find all information by visiting the WDI website!

Make sure to Participate at the LPI CE Presentation!

LPI is excited to be presenting this year! LPI CE will be providing a short presentation, Learning with FOSS Communities: From passion to profession. We hope to have you there!

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