LPI Members elected the new Board of Directors

At its Annual General Meeting held June 26, 2021, Linux Professional Institute (LPI) completed the last stage in a major change to its governing structure. For the first time, LPI’s Members have chosen its Board and directly participated in its high-level decision-making.

A new Board of Directors was elected by LPI’s membership using a ranked-choice voting system. LPI’s 2021 Board of Directors is (listed alphabetically):

  • VM (Vicky) Brasseur (USA) – 1 year term
  • Christopher “Duffy” Fron (USA, returning) – 2 year term
  • Dorothy Gordon (Ghana, returning) – 3 year term
  • Jon “maddog” Hall (USA, returning) – 3 year term
  • Klaus Knopper (Germany) – 3 year term
  • Mark Phillips (USA) – 2 year term
  • Uirá Ribeiro (Brazil) – 3 year term
  • Torsten Scheck (Germany, returning) – 1 year term
  • Bryan J Smith (USA, returning) – 1 year term
  • Thiago Sobral (Brazil) – 2 year term

The new Board commenced its work July 22nd at a preparatory meeting. At that time the Directors chose a Chair, Jon “maddog” Hall. The new Directors also determined who would serve three-year, two-year or one-year terms. Going forward this “staggered” approach will allow approximately one-third of the board to be elected each year. The new Board’s official term began July 26, one month after the AGM as specified by the Bylaws.

Almost 50% of LPI’s members who were eligible to vote cast votes in the election of the board and 19% participated in the AGM, which was held by virtual conference call.

The election process started in November 2020 with creation of a Nomination Committee to solicit and evaluate candidates, producing a ballot of 16 from which Members were to choose 10. The election campaign and voting started May 12 and closed at the AGM.

“This election and AGM have been among the most important events in LPI’s history”, said current Board Chair Jon “maddog” Hall.“ It has taken several years and countless person-hours to design and develop a membership program which was necessary to reach this point, but it has been well worth it. LPI is committed to helping develop open source professionals.”

To learn more about the LPI Membership program please see https://www.lpi.org/member. A full set of bios for the newly elected Board of Directors can be found at https://www.lpi.org/about-lpi/meet-our-board-of-directors.

For more information about the AGM or election please contact elections@lpi.org.

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