LPI Members to vote for the Board of Directors

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is encouraging its Members to vote for its Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee and members have compiled a list of promising candidates to fill the three open positions. Voting opened on May 28, 2022 and remains open until the day of LPI’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) which takes place virtually this year on June 25. The results will be announced at the conclusion of the AGM.

Board elections are held annually, coinciding with the AGM. Well-known candidates from the IT industry, all of whom are or have been involved with open source in their lives, are candidates for election, coming from all parts of the world; from Asia, Europe, and Africa as well as from South and North America. 

LPI has now published the list of candidates for the Board of Directors on its website. An overview page around this year’s election provides all information, data and background information. 

“We’re all about involving the community, that’s why our members decide the Board of Directors and thus the future course of the Linux Professional Institute,” says Executive Director, G. Matthew Rice. 

LPI made the decision to transform into a member-based organization in 2015; it undertook various changes in governance, created a membership program, and held its very first member-voting AGM in 2021. The new form of openness is an important element for the non-profit organization to encourage open source communities globally. “Our mission is to promote the use of open source by supporting the people who work with it. The best way to do that is to involve people around the world and listen to them,” said Kenneth Armstrong, Community Manager and Returning Officer for the election.

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