LPI Supporting DevOps Days (Cape Town)

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) invites you to DevOps Days (Cape Town) on November 6th and 7th in Woodstock, Cape Town.

The event, organized by local leaders in the rapidly growing DevOps communities who are committed to IT improvement, is one of several dozen DevOps-focused events conducted around the world.

To demonstrate support for this year’s Cape Town event, LPI is making available a select number of vouchers for the Linux Professional Institute DevOps Tools Engineer certification – a new certification that helps system administrators and software product developers be recognized for their dexterity in working with DevOps tools.

At the same time, LPI will also be attending DevOps Days (Cape Town) to answer any questions about when it makes sense to pursue its IT certifications (e.g. Linux Essentials and LPIC).

Register for the DevOps Days (Cape Town) event now.

Find out about other DevOps Days events.

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