LPI Supports Software Freedom Day Worldwide

September 18, 2021

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) invites you to join them, our Partners and our community in Software Freedom Day, taking place September 18, 2021. LPI is thrilled to be supporting an important global event!

Linux Professional Institute Event

Register Now!

Join us for our Software Freedom Day event celebrating software freedom through a whole day of talks from staff and Partners.

Here is a list of the sessions that will be covered throughout the day. More details to come!

  • Introduction to Software Freedom day 
  • Consider a career in open source software
  • Learning and Technical Workshop: Ask Me Anything
  • Penetration Testing using Kali Linux (Vietnamese)
  • Learn How to Purchase and Assemble a Raspberry Pi!
  • LPI Membership: A members journey
  • The Breadth of Open Source: From small to big
  • Community Corner: Ask me anything
  • Linux Technology Introduction for Security Engineer
  • Open Source Community Empowerment: Understand Opportunities with LPI
  • Linux and Home Automation (German)
  • Getting involved with Free and Open Source Culture (FOSC)

Let’s celebrate Software Freedom Day 

Software Freedom Day (SFD) is an annual worldwide celebration of Free Software. SFD is a public education effort with the aim of increasing awareness of Free Software and its virtues, and encouraging its use.

Software Freedom Day was established in 2004 and was first observed on 28 August of that year. About 12 teams participated in the first Software Freedom Day. Since that time it has grown in popularity and every year we have more than 300 events organized by over 100 cities from around the world.

Participate in an event near you!

LPI and our Partners are organizing events globally! Check out the SFD event map for an event near you or take advantage of tuning in virtually anywhere.

Become Involved: What are you doing to support Software Freedom Day?
Use the comments section of this page to let us know.

Check back here for additional details of LPI, Partner, and Community events!

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