Second IoT Hackathon at the TGBBZ 1

May 23 – 25, 2018

After a successful premiere event in 2017, the Hackathon at the TGBBZ 1 Saarbrücken starts into its second year. LPI is pleased to be able to support this successful event once again. May 23 – 25, 2018, everything revolves around the Internet of Things (IoT).

At home and throughout the industry, the IoT offers new possibilities. Televisions interact with the Internet, heating and household appliances can be controlled via smartphone. Self-organizing products revolutionize production.

At the TGBBZ 1 Saarbrücken, new technologies were introduced to students last year with the help of project-based teaching. A hackathon was chosen as the project form, which made it possible to experience the technology in practice after stimulating lectures with intensive working phases. In an intensive practical work phase, the students achieved remarkable results. Success is to be continued this year.

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