Summer of Code: Creating successes and opportunities

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Join Linux Professional Institute (LPI), virtually, on July 23, 2020 from 600PM (UTC+2) – 7:00PM (UTC+2) to hear the perspective and experience from Jessica Greene, Rails Girls Summer of Code on the importance of creating opportunities from the organization to individual level.

Reflecting on her own experience, as a career changer and Rails Girls Summer of Code scholar, Jessica will be talking about the importance of these programs. Sharing tips for how companies and individuals can support not only the programs themselves but also create opportunities for those joining the industry.

More people are entering the tech industry through non traditional routes complimenting the growing demand for tech professionals. Bootcamps, summer of code scholarships and internships all play an important part in getting fresh and diverse talent into the applicant pool. 

Jessica will take us through;

  • Why we need scholarships like Rails Girls Summer of Code
  • How to support community initiatives
  • How to support people entering the industry from non traditional routes

Come prepared with questions! Register Now. Space is limited.

This webinar will also be streamed live on the LPI Youtube channel. Click here to join when the webinar starts!

When is this webinar being hosted in your time zone?

  • Tokyo (1:00AM UTC+9)
  • Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome (6:00PM UTC+2)
  • Toronto, New York (12:00PM UTC-4)
  • Sao Paulo (1:00PM UTC-3)
  • Lima (11:00AM UTC-5)

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