Open Source Journeys: In Conversation With Carla Schroder

Today’s podcast features Carla Schroder, a self-described “tool nerd” who went on to become a big name in the world of open source articles, blogs, and actual paper books. Specifically, Carla has written “Linux Cookbook”, “Linux Networking Cookbook”, and “The Book of Audacity”, all for O’Reilly. She’s been an auto mechanic and a farmer and she loves Linux and open source software.

In the “Open Source Journeys” podcast, Marcel hangs out and chats with people who have been captured by the spirit and promise of Linux and Open Source software. Open Source is part philosophy, part technology, and part ideology. That’s a powerful combination that sparks the imagination in different ways for different people.  

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More Information

Carla on Twitter :
Carla’s Website:
Carla’s books on O’Reilly Media: 


About Marcel Gagné:

Marcel Gagné is LPI's Editor at Large. The "Cooking With Linux" guy. Writer and Free Thinker at Large. Science, Linux, and technology geek. Long time columnist for Linux Journal, LinuxPro Magazine, Ubuntu User Magazine, SysAdmin, and others. Author of six books including "Linux System Administration: A User's Guide" and the "Moving to Linux" series of books. Promoter, advocate, and evangelist for Free and Open Source Software on radio, television, and YouTube. Occasionally opinionated. Always confused. Loves wine, food, music, and the occasional single malt Scotch.

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