Show employers that you have the foundational skills required for your next job or promotion. With Linux Essentials.
Linux adoption continues to rise world-wide as individual users, government entities and industries ranging from automotive to space exploration embrace open source technologies. This expansion of open source in enterprise is redefining traditional Information and Communication Technology (ICT) job roles to require more Linux skills. Whether you’re starting your career in open source, or looking for advancement, independently verifying your skill set can help you stand out to hiring managers or your management team.
The Linux Essentials certificate also serves as a great introduction to the more complete and advanced Linux Professional certification track.
Current version: 1.6 (Exam code 010-160)
Objectives: 010-160
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this certificate
Requirements: Passing the Linux Essentials 010 exam. The Linux Essentials exam contains 40 questions and must be completed within 60 minutes.
Validity period: Lifetime
Cost: Click here for exam pricing in your country.
Languages for exam available in VUE test centers: English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish
Languages for exam available online via OnVUE: English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish
To receive the Linux Essentials certificate the candidate must:
- have an understanding of the Linux and open source industry and knowledge of the most popular open source Applications;
- understand the major components of the Linux operating system, and have the technical proficiency to work on the Linux command line; and
- have a basic understanding of security and administration related topics such as user/group management, working on the command line, and permissions.
Linux skills enhance many ICT job roles
Front End Web
Back End Web
Embedded Systems
Dev Ops
IT/ Technical Support
Mobile Application Support
NOC Operator
Big Data
Cloud Architect
Microsoft Systems
Data Analyst
The Linux Essentials certificate validates a demonstrated understanding of the following:
- FOSS, the various communities, and licenses.
- Knowledge of open source applications in the workplace as they relate to closed source equivalents.
- Basic concepts of hardware, processes, programs and the components of the Linux Operating System.
- How to work on the command line and with files.
- How to create and restore compressed backups and archives.
- System security, users/groups and file permissions for public and private directories.
- How to create and run simple scripts.

92% of employers said IT certified individuals receive higher starting salaries than those without.
-CompTIA HR Perceptions of IT Training and Certification Study

44% of hiring managers are increasing salaries for open source talent over other departments
-open source Jobs Report

87% of organizations say it’s hard to find open source talent
-open source Jobs Report