Linux Professional Institute (LPI) sponsors Italian Linux Society’s LinuxDay Italia

October 23, 2021

On Saturday, October 23, LinuxDay Italia is back. Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is happy to sponsor LinuxDay, one of the most important FOSS and Linux-oriented events in Italy. The 2021 edition is a special one, as the Italian Linux Society (ILS) recently became an LPI Community Partner. 

“Celebrating our new LPI’s Community Partner status, we recently joined the ‘Glocal history of free and open source software’ (GHOFOSS) project,” says Roberto Guido, President of the Italian Linux Society. To highlight the “Community” in the partnership, ILS and LPI are teaming up in a joint endeavor: the “GHOFOSS hackathon day.”

Despite all the difficulties created by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Linux Day has returned as an essential moment for the entire Italian FOSS community. And this year, Linux Day is particularly special. “Thanks to LPI and the happy coincidence that 2021 is the 30th anniversary of the creation of Linux, Linux Day 2021 has become an opportunity to actually work together with the open source community in Italy, and the rest of the world as well,” says Guido

The Italian Linux Society and the Linux Professional Institute have a joint plan to record the history of their local FOSS communities. Their common project will start from Italy, but with a view to the whole world.

In Italy, like many other countries, there are many groups and organizations that support Linux and free software. ILS and LPI want to gather the history and stories starting from August 25, 1991, Linux’s birth, up to today.

Guido: “This is a community project, and we need the community to help us with it.” That’s why he’s calling for entries: “Send a mockup for GHOFOSS to by October 22, 2021: a design proposal to browse the community history. The best three proposals will win a t-shirt!”

Get Involved in the Hackathon!

Meanwhile, using this form, you can send us data about the history of your local FOSS community: tell us what happened in your city, and when, in these thirty years of Linux!

On Sunday, October 24, the day immediately after Linux Day Italia, we invite everyone to an online hackathon, aimed at implementing the first GHOFOSS prototype using the mockups and the information collected so far. The three most active participants will receive a 10% discount coupon for LPI certifications!

Daniele Cirio, Linux Professional Institute Account Executive, says: “LPI is delighted to be the sponsor of LinuxDay 2021. While the pandemic seems to ease off, but still affects the lives of many, the values and purpose of free and open source software are even more important and widely recognized. It’s great to team up with ILS again, spreading the voice about FOSS in Italy, and doing that now that ILS is an LPI Partner already working with us on the GHOFOSS project.”

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