Linux Meeting Palermo ’23: Two Great Days of Networking
On March 25 and 26, 2023, the long-awaited event of the year for free software enthusiasts was held at the University of Palermo’s Gregotti Theater on Viale delle Scienze: the Linux Meeting 2023. The event was organized by Vincenzo Virgilio, … Read more
Do LPIC-1 ao LPIC-2: Aumente as suas competências para além da sua caixa Linux
A certificação LPIC-2 é reconhecida mundialmente e é altamente respeitada no setor de TI. A obtenção desta certificação pode aumentar as suas oportunidades de emprego, validando as suas competências avançadas de administração de sistemas e expandindo o seu conjunto de … Read more
Take the Next Step for Your Career With LPIC-1
Open source software and tools continue to grow in features and value. Companies around the world are looking for people who know how to set up and administer Linux environments. So why not take the plunge and aim for the … Read more
A growing career in cybersecurity: Isabela Fedrigo
In this issue of the Share Your Voice series we meet Isabela Fedrigo, who recently took the Linux Essentials certificate. Isabela is at the beginning of her career in cybersecurity, but her story with GNU/Linux and with free and open … Read more
LPI Essentials Exams- Descubra novas áreas
O Linux Professional Institute (LPI) é conhecido como provedor de exames na área de Linux e ferramentas de código aberto, onde oferece certificações para todo o espectro, desde iniciantes até especialistas e peritos. Mas, assim como o Linux penetrou em … Read more
Linux Professional Institute at the Connected Kenya Summit 2023
The Connected Summit 2023 was held at the Diamonds Leisure Lodge at Diani Beach, on the Kenya South Coast, from April 2-5, 2023. This annual event, organized by the Ministry of Information Communication and the Digital Economy through the Kenya … Read more
How Linux changed my life: Sam “Si” Wachira
I’ve been a computer tinkerer and enthusiast for free and open source software (FOSS) from a young age. When I started out, I had no idea where Linux and FOSS would take me professionally, or that it would play a … Read more
Antonio Perpinan: Open Source Proponent in the Spanish-Speaking World
In the early years of free and open source software–according to Hernán Pachas Magallanes, LPI Account Executives Team Leader–documentation was almost exclusively in English. Because open source is no longer for developers and hackers, and is being promoted widely among … Read more
Become an LPI Member and Set Our Future Direction
As a global organization offering certifications in more than 180 countries, and as a non-profit, Linux Professional Institute (LPI) seeks broad diversity on its Board of Directors. If you have obtained a professional level certification through LPI, you can become … Read more
A Tech Trainer Discovers the Security Essentials Certificate
More than a decade ago, while preparing to take my very first technology certificate exam (the LPIC-1, as it happened), I learned something new about the entire certificate process. Now, I was no stranger to the education world at that … Read more
Stepping up to Your Personal Security Role
Close your eyes and try to conjure an image or scenario in your mind around the phrase “cybersecurity incident”. When you do so, what picture starts to form in your mind? Depending on your background and level of expertise, the … Read more
Open Source Myth: That It Has a Higher Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
This myth has been long-standing. Proprietary vendors would acknowledge that there were license fees associated with their software, but would point to the costs of migrating, re-training users, and higher wages and scarcity of comparable software support due to fewer … Read more