
Folding@Home: Free/libre/open source software comes to the aid of the world’s COVID-19 emergency

The past few months have been a time of uncertainty and fear. With each passing day, more people get sick and more people die. Many places are still dragging out and prolonging their quarantine periods. At the same time, we … Read more

Good (Free) Training is Not Hard to Come By

So now that we are indoors most of the time in keeping with social distancing guidelines, many of us are searching for ways to make this time productive.  For whatever reasons you might find yourself in-between jobs or are already … Read more

Sysvale and LPI: Strategic Planning in Times of COVID-19

When 2019 was just about to end, I got a message from Eugênio Marques, CEO of Sysvale Softgroup, a healthtech that has been collaborating with the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) since its foundation a little more than five years ago. … Read more

How to Work Remotely and Securely with FOSS Tools

With the advent of global problems such as Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the need for social distancing to help mitigate the spread of such diseases, many organizations are looking to remote solutions. A well-designed disaster recovery plan would already have policies … Read more

Virtual Meetings in Times of Pandemic

“May you live in interesting times.” So goes the proverbial and purportedly Chinese curse, which seems appropriate given the global pandemic that originated around Wuhan, China. That said, it’s also very likely false; the quote, that is, not the pandemic. … Read more

Learn and Volunteer With Your Extra Time at Home

You may be spending far more time at home than you’re used these days but that doesn’t mean it’s time to be bored! Linux Professional Institute (LPI) offers various ways to educate yourself and volunteer your time to assist in … Read more

Rails Girls Summer of Code – Bringing Diversity to Open Source

With the awesome power of community behind it, open source can reach in, shake up and improve every aspect of our lives. That’s a big part of its draw. For those among us struggling to kickstart a career in coding, … Read more

Knowledge Freedom – The Linux Professional Institute trip to Cuba

From November 17th to 25th of 2019, the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) team was reunited in Cuba for a series of activities involving Academia, Industry, Government, and, of course, the local Free Software Community. For … Read more

The DevOps Paradox

As the evolution of technology marches forward, more and more tools and knowledge becomes available. We actually have so many tools and so much knowledge at our disposal nowadays that it’s sometimes difficult to choose what tool(s) we use and … Read more

The Developer’s Conference – not only about software freedom

Do you know the average lifespan of a transgender human being in Brazil is 35 years? Also, 73% of them suffer verbal aggression every day and 25% have suffered physical aggression (1). Shocking, right? Is this the kind of thing … Read more

The Prides and Perils of Open (Source) Diplomacy

Decades of experience in giving speeches, keynotes, and running workshops. Done! Days of scripting and slide-making, and targeting a highly technical COSCUP audience. Done! Seventeen hours of a flight to Shanghai followed by a maglev train into the city. Done! … Read more

Outcert and LPI: Lifelong Learning is More Than a Purpose

Lital Shoshan Idel tells me, “We want to spread a message to the world. A message as to why lifelong learning it is more than a purpose; it’s a vision that must be clear to all of us. Sharing in that … Read more