
Boost Your IT Career by Learning DevOps with LPI

DevOps combines development (dev) and operations (ops) to increase the efficiency, speed, and security of software development and delivery compared to traditional processes. DevOps is a software engineering methodology that aims to integrate the work of software development and software … Read more

From Homelessness to Linux Triumph: Juliano’s Journey

Hello everybody: Juliano from São Paulo, Brazil here. Let me tell you my life story, a mix of personal dedication and vision, social progress initiatives, a love of education, and the power of open source software. It is impossible not … Read more

A Successful Talent Land ’23 for LPI and Partners

Talent Land is a major annual tech event held in Mexico. This year, the event boasted an impressive number of registered attendees, with 40,379 individuals from all over the world. There were 873 speakers, 642 talks, and 161 workshops spanning … Read more

From USB Modems to FOSS: Roberto Guido’s Journey

Hello everyone, Roberto here! My relationship with Linux started quite unexpectedly, all because of an ADSL USB modem. I was 16 years old when I got my first PC, and shortly after that, I learned about Linux from a magazine … Read more

Certificação para desenvolvimento e retenção de funcionários

“Os certificados pessoais pretendem oferecer uma prova fiável de conhecimentos, aptidões e competências individuais.” Esta citação vem de um sítio Web que oferece aconselhamento especializado na Web. Creio que a maioria das pessoas no sector informático concordaria que é importante … Read more

Ajudar as carreiras a descolar: certificações e contratação

Como obter uma certificação de TI, no Linux Professional Institute ou em outro fornecedor, dá muito trabalho, é importante ouvir como as certificações melhoram tanto as carreiras individuais quanto as metas corporativas. Na empresa onde sou Consultor Sénior de Talentos, … Read more

How LPI’s Certifications Shaped My Career: Lilia Sfaxi

As a passionate computer science teacher, I have always advocated for the use of Linux in the classroom. Its reliability, versatility, and widespread adoption in the industry make it an ideal choice for aspiring professionals. Little did I know that … Read more

LPIC-3: Seja mais do que um especialista, seja uma autoridade!

Todos os profissionais que atuam em carreiras de TI open source sabem da importância e relevância das certificações LPI. Quando atingimos o impressionante marco de conquistar a certificação LPI-2, lembramos da árdua jornada de estudos e aquisição de conhecimentos aplicáveis … Read more

Supporting Our Community: Linux Clubs

Linux Professional Institute offers a lot of cost-free services to our communities. We don’t have to make money on everything we do. LPI is a non-profit outfit, so as long as we earn enough to sustain the organization we can … Read more

Linux Meeting Palermo ’23: Two Great Days of Networking

On March 25 and 26, 2023, the long-awaited event of the year for free software enthusiasts was held at the University of Palermo’s Gregotti Theater on Viale delle Scienze: the Linux Meeting 2023. The event was organized by Vincenzo Virgilio, … Read more

Do LPIC-1 ao LPIC-2: Aumente as suas competências para além da sua caixa Linux

A certificação LPIC-2 é reconhecida mundialmente e é altamente respeitada no setor de TI. A obtenção desta certificação pode aumentar as suas oportunidades de emprego, validando as suas competências avançadas de administração de sistemas e expandindo o seu conjunto de … Read more

Take the Next Step for Your Career With LPIC-1

Open source software and tools continue to grow in features and value. Companies around the world are looking for people who know how to set up and administer Linux environments. So why not take the plunge and aim for the … Read more