Linux Professional Institute Certifications Awarded e-Skills Quality Label by EXIN

The Linux Professional Institute (LPI), the leading vendor-independent Linux certification organization, announced that its certification program has been awarded the first e-Skills Quality Label by EXIN based on the European e-Competence Framework (e-CF). The framework is designed to standardize 40 Information and Communications Technology (ICT) competencies, skills and proficiency levels across Europe. The goal of this effort is to increase the transparency, mobility and efficiency of ICT sector related human resources.

“The European e-Competence Framework is a critical initiative in today’s European workforce. By standardizing the language around ICT recruiting we can continue to help hiring managers recognize the best skilled candidates for the job,” said Klaus Behrla, Vice President, business development Europe for the Linux Professional Institute, “We at LPI are so pleased to have been awarded the e-Skills Quality Label for our professional Linux certifications.”

EXIN, a worldwide market leader in certifying professionals in the ICT domain and co-founder of the e-Skills Quality labels, is the Awarding Body for the e-Skills Quality Labels and e-Competence Assessment certificates. EXIN e-CF content experts and auditors are responsible for assessing programs to determine whether organizations qualify for the e-Skills Quality Label.

In attaining the e-Skills Quality Label designation, the Linux Professional Institute has proven that their certifications successfully map to the e-Competence Framework. “In today’s e-Skills jungle the mismatch in existing and required knowledge are a problem for all stakeholders. Through the e-Skills Quality Label LPI has demonstrated that their exam objectives cover relevant and required standard competences and ICT profiles,” said Maarten Dolf Desertine, business development at EXIN.

Mr. Desertine was on-hand to speak at the annual LPI EMEA meeting in Prague, Czech Republic where he awarded the e-Skills Quality Label to the Linux Professional Institute.


About Linux Professional Institute (LPI):

The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is dedicated to providing a global framework, industry leadership and other services to enhance, develop and further lifelong professional careers in Linux and open source technologies. LPI’s leading vendor-independent Linux certification program is supported by a global affiliate network that has helped deliver over 350,000 certification exams worldwide. Established as a non-profit in 1999, LPI is supported by the IT and educational communities, enterprise customers, and government entities.


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