Linux Professional Institute Italia sponsor of Linux Day Italia 2020

October 24 – 25, 2020

Given the exceptional circumstances that Italy and the world are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 edition of Linux Day Italia follows the path started by many other events and moves online. With a unified, national panel of talks and contributions in contrast to the usual local physical events organized by groups of pro – free – software volunteers active in each city, between Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 October, to engage the established and flourishing Italian Linux community, both those usually gathering around their locale Linux Day local venue and those who often fail to take part because of the geographical distance.

Roberto Guido, President of the Italian Linux Society, Manager of the Italian LinuxDay, told us everything about The 2020 Italian Linux Day. Linux Professional Institute Italia has been a sponsor of LinuxDay from the very beginning, for many of its editions.

Linux Day Italia 2020 – The program

With an international profile, as volunteers from many countries contributed to the creation of the panel, we are going to have six thematic sessions, three on Saturday and three on Sunday, covering a broad spectrum of interests and a variety of technical depth, from introductory to advanced.

Even with all the limitations of online interaction, we still wanted, partially at least, to preserve the local aspect of the event: Linux Day Italia as been, for more than twenty years now, “the” appointment to meet and meet again people who live in your area and share with you the same interest towards digital freedoms.


This is why we are setting up a RocketChat instance with a lot of area-based channels, so people can find who actually is in the same area, to promote and nurture the local groups (the LUGs, of course, but also the Linux community in a broader sense) that also carry out promotional and “seeding” activities all year round.

This medium will also make possible to – virtually at least – have a “chat” with speakers and industry experts. 

Furthermore, in the absence of physical events, will send to the local groups the Linux Society gadgets, along with the ones provided by Linux Professional Institute within the context of its sponsorship of Linux Day Italia.

Sponsors and Partners

LinuxDay Italia wouldn’t be possible without the work and the commitment of the speakers, all the volunteers, and the network of Partners and Sponsors supporting the infrastructure and the events.

We want to thank GARR (we mentioned GARR in the “iorestoacasa” – “IStayAtHome” post, which manages the national network infrastructure for universities and research centers, and which kindly made us available the servers and the bandwidth that will allow us to deliver audio/video streaming (we are going to use mainly Big Blue Button and PeerTube, broadcasted in RTMP with ffmpeg) to a large audience of users.

I want to thank all our sponsors and partners, and a special thanks goes to Wikimedia Italy and the whole Italian Wikipedia community: in an unprecedented venture the 2020 edition of itWikiCon, the annual conference dedicated to Wiki projects, will team up with the Linux Day.

LPI’s involvement

And what about the Linux Professional Institute?

LPI’s sponsorship helped Linux Day Italy from the very beginning and we are very happy to have LPI among the sponsors even in this “special” – under many aspects…  – edition. It’s not only about the economic support, the gadgets, the informative material: but above all, the enthusiastic care we benefit from LPI and its community.

Linux Day Italia 2020 actors: the voice of the team

As said by Roberto, the online-ss of the 2020 Edition of Linux Day Italia made possible to give to the panel an even broader, and deeper as well, perspective.

We have collected here the insights from some of the professionals and organizations that made that possible;

Daniele Scasciafratte – Mozilla Italian Community

As the Mozilla Italy community, with our volunteers participating for years at the Linux Day Italia events throughout the country, we could not miss the opportunity of the first online only version.

We can hardly bring to attention the variety of projects and activities that will spread into the live meetings; this initiative allows us to have the best possible speaker for the specific topic, promoting the Mozilla manifesto in new ways and to reach new people.

Valerio Bozzolan – itWikiCon 2020

The national conference of the Italian Wikimedia projects, itWikiCon 2020, will be organized in a happy and fruitful collaboration with LinuxDay Italia, creating, through adapting  to the current circumstances, a great event that unites free software and the free culture of digital content with its millions of readers and contributors.

LPI’s involvement

Daniele Cirio, Linux Professional Institute Country Manager for Italy, stated:

As LPI just started providing online testing for its Exams, LinuxDay Italia goes fully online for the first time.

The whole national and international FOSS community is reacting and adapting to the challenges of these times. Nonetheless, LinuxDay is among the most important events for the Italian Linux and FOSS community, and we are very happy to extend our sponsorship for the twentieth year in a row.

LinuxDay Italia 2020: the highlights

  • Saturday 24 October, 2.00pm, Daniele Scasciafratte (Mozilla Italy) explains how to contribute effectively  to the open source world.
  • Saturday 24 October, 10.30am, Lorenzo Losa (former Wikimedia Italy president) takes stock of the infamous Copyright Directive.
  • Saturday 24 October, 3.00pm, Moreno Razzoli (MorroLinux, popular youtuber) gives some insight into which Linux distribution to choose.
  • Sunday 25 October, 3:30pm, Denis Roio (Jaromil, addresses about the development of Devuan.
  • Sunday 25 October, 5:00pm, Richard Stallman updates us on the FSF initiatives for online teaching.



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