Linux Essentials Learning Materials now in Italian

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) releases Italian translation of Learning Materials for Linux Essentials certificates.

The Learning Materials for the LPI’s introductory certificate level, Linux Essentials, are now available in Italian on the Learning Portal. Altogether, the Linux Essentials Learning Materials are thus provided in eight languages.

The Learning Portal is committed to develop and translate Learning Materials for its certifications, which in turn allows a much broader range of people around the world to supplement their open source education. 

Authors, translators, and reviewers of Learning Materials come from the LPI community. The other languages covered so far by the Learning Materials include English, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, German, French and Hungarian. With the release of Learning Materials for Linux Essentials in Italian, LPI starts providing access to Italian speakers to valuable educational resources: a great way to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death.

“I am very proud to have contributed to the propagation of the free learning materials of the Linux Professional Institute. The translation from English into Italian of the courseware for the Linux Essentials certification will allow many Italians to deepen their knowledge of Linux and to move easily in the Open Source and Free Software world”, says Marco Colombo, translator.

Find the Italian version of the Linux Essentials Learning Materials here: 

More languages are to follow. Anyone interested in joining the Learning Materials Team, as a translator or in other ways, is invited to get in touch. 


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