Linux Professional Institute Italia Proud Partner of Hack the Cloud!

November 5 – 7, 2019

“Hack the Cloud!” is back. The 2019 event focuses on the positive impact of the Cloud on environmental sustainability. Linux Professional Institute Italia is thrilled to be this year’s media Partner. Hack the Cloud! is taking place from November 5 – 7, 2019 at the University of Milan, in Milan, Italy.

The Hackathon

Hack the Cloud! 2019 topic is “The cloud at the service of Earth”. Dedicated to undergraduates, graduates of future cloud technology professionals, Hack the Cloud! is the hackathon designed around the highly advanced GARR Container Platform, based on Kubernetes and developed specifically for Italian researchers.

The hackathon will be preceded by a seminar, held by experts from the Italian network of cloud technologies education and research (#GARRCloud), which will allow attendees to familiarize with the platform. The best projects will be rewarded with Amazon vouchers.


Professor Leonardo Mariani, IT department of the University of Milan – Bicocca, stated, “Hack the Cloud! brings together training for Cloud and Cloud Container technology skills, and a call for environmental sustainability in Cloud services.

The event program includes a day of practical training on Open Cloud technologies. It is an excellent opportunity to work on tools like Kubernetes, with the help of the experts of the Italian research network, GARR. The skills acquired during the training will be certified through an Open Badge.

The second day will be entirely dedicated to the actual hackathon: the teams will work using the acquired knowledge in the development of Cloud services keen on environment sustainability. On the third day the hackathon will reward not only the level of development achieved, but also the quality of the developed ideas and their presentation as well. Three days for a real training opportunity!”

The GARR Director, Federico Ruggieri, highlighted the reasons for the involvement, “GARR strongly supports training events such as Hack the Cloud!, which allows students, hence tomorrow’s professionals, to experience first-hand advanced automation and cloud service deployment tools provided by the university and our Cloud platform, GARR. Above all, GARR encourages the acquisition and certification of skills regarding cloud infrastructures to manage and analyze data. We hope that, thanks to initiatives like this, we can bring students to Cloud technologies, technologies that will play an increasingly important role in all application environments, thus contributing to the formation of the next generation of IT experts.”

Daniele Cirio, Italy Country Manager of Linux Professional Institute, underlined the reasons that led LPI to renew the Media Partnership; “We are very happy to renew our support to Hack the Cloud! Few areas are as much linked to the development of Open Source technologies, platforms, software as the Cloud. We are even more pleased to support the 2019 edition given its sustainability-oriented approach: a sustainability that is already a strong predicament in use Open Source.”

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