Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Italia Sponsor of LinuxDay Italia 2018

October 27, 2018

Saturday October, 27th Linux Day Italia is back. Linux Day Italia is the Italian event about propagation and support of digital freedom. LPI Italia is thrilled to sponsor this major event.

The event is articulated in meetings, talks, workshops all over Italy, all of them with free access, organized in cities and towns by volunteers. 

Linux Day Italia is the perfect event to grasp a deeper knowledge of free software and Open Source technology and philosophy, and to have technical help from Linux experts too.

Roberto Guido, President, Italian Linux Society

“The main topic of Linux Day Italia 2018 is the “Wild Web”: the wild territory inhabited by monopolist interested only in selling their patents, swindlers all about tricky privacy, digital indian selfie-hunters. At Linux Day Italia 2018 we will explore together technical and cultural pitfalls and opportunities of a continuously evolving world!

Internet is an awesome and scary medium, enabling free circulation of ideas and the most aggressive control and censorship; a medium which, for good and for bad, has a deep impact on the world around us.

Knowing its internal dynamics and its functioning helps us to seize the opportunity and avoid risks to be not passive consumers, but active agents. Open Source and free software are tools to know the internet better and to build a better internet for a better world.”

Linux Day Italia locations

The complete list of local events will be soon live on Social:

Sponsoring LinuxDay Italia 2018. Daniele Cirio, LPI Italy Country Manager

“It’s great to count LinuxDay year after year. It’s such opportunities that bring back hope in humanity, in these dark days. We do hope our small contribution to this series of events spreading the Open Source and Linux culture and philosophy will be useful also in all the other 364 days of the year.”

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