Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Italia Sponsor of LinuxDay Italia 2019

October 26, 2019

Saturday October, 26th Linux Day Italia is back. Linux Day Italia is the Italian event about propagation and support of digital freedom. LPI Italia is thrilled to sponsor this major event.

Since 2001, Linux Day is a distributed initiative to learn about Linux and free software. It consists of numerous local events, organized independently by groups of enthusiasts in their respective cities, all on the same day. In this context you can find talks, workshops, spaces for technical assistance, gadgets, debates and practical demonstrations.

Roberto Guido, President of the Italian Linux Society, Manager of the Italian LinuxDay, presenting the new edition of the Italian Linux Day declared:

“Linux Day reaches its 19th edition. Next October 26th hundreds of Italian LuGs will held talks and activities focused on the subject of this year edition: AI. In the last few years Artificial Intelligence has become a buzzword from a technological, social and even philosophical point of view, polarizing the attention of media and people about the reasons AI should, or shouldn’t be supported and sustained.

As all the previous technological revolutions, AI brings along opportunities and risks, depending of how it will be used or abused, implemented and promoted.

Nevertheless, AI is coming with huge changes, changes that could find us unprepared.

Even if a wide part of the software used in creating machine learning and deep learning algorithms are free and Open Source, that very same software is useless without huge amounts of data, needed for designing models and forecasts. Data daily raked, often without our consent, by the few big players that use data for perfecting their products and consolidating their exclusive advantage position.

While nowadays free software is pervasive and dominant in many sectors, the attention of the community linked to digital freedoms and collaborative development should now look for a new frontier of knowledge sharing: data, information and models to be used as a common good, however always respecting individual privacy and collective protection.”

In occasion of  the launch of the LPI Sponsorship to LinuxDay Italia 2019 Daniele Cirio, Italy Country Manager of Linux Professional Institute, highlighted LinuxDay and LPI being almost the same age:

“In LPI’s twentieth year of life, we are very happy to renew, for the fifth year in a row, our commitment to support one of the most important Linux and FOSS Events in Italy. It is thanks to organizations such as the Italian Linux Society, and events such as the Linux Day, that contribute dramatically to the vivacity and dynamism of the Italian FOSS and Linux landscape. Best wishes to all the attendees of the hundreds of local events organised by the LuGs next October 26th.”


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