Linux Professional Institute to Offer Online Testing

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) online testing

In response to the closing of many of its global testing locations, Linux Professional Institute (LPI) will offer online testing to candidates.
LPI will begin offering the Linux Essentials and LPIC-1 (101 and 102) exams in English via the Pearson VUE OnVUE system on May 31, 2020. Candidates will be able to write the exams and get certified from home. Additional exams and languages will be made available as soon as possible. Candidates will be able to schedule their online exams beginning May 31. Further instructions on the registration and testing process will be published on

Exam prices and lengths remain unchanged. For more details on our exams and examination process, see here

Please note: While exams will be offered in several languages, the online exam interface is English only at this time and online proctors and greeters are English speakers. Online testing requires a quiet, private location, a reliable computer with a camera, and a stable Internet connection.  Unfortunately, at this time only the Windows and MacOS operating systems are supported. A full list of system requirements, policies and procedures is listed at

Exam takers should ensure they are comfortable with such an environment before committing to be tested through this method. The requirements are based on the testing platform being used and are beyond the control of LPI.

For holders of certifications that are going inactive by June 30, 2020, LPI has extended their active status by two months to give them more time to renew their certifications.

“With so many exam centers being closed, it’s become clear that we need to offer additional ways for our candidates to take their certification exams”, said Fabian Thorns, Director of Product Development, “our challenge is implementing a system that addresses our candidates’ needs while meeting our security and quality standards. I’m glad that we are able to offer these new options to our community.”

LPI will continue to reassess whether additional extensions or measures are required. Anyone requiring assistance or special accommodations using this system should contact LPI at

For the latest information about LPI’s response to COVID-19, please visit


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