Linux Skills: IBM’s Commitment

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Linux skills: IBM’s commitment to the partner ecosystem in Italy

A project in collaboration with the Linux Professional Institute

Milan, Italy – March 30, 2015: The demand for IT professionals with advanced skills in Linux and open source is increasing, both internationally and in Italy. And the reasons are obvious: more and more companies, from all sectors of the market, are looking for specialists and qualified partners to drive technological evolution in the name of open source and all its benefits.

In this context, IBM contributes significantly through organizations like the OpenPower Foundation, which now has more ‘than 100 operators – including Google, Samsung, Nvidia – engaged in the development of IBM Power in “open”, and by redefining the IBM Power Systems line that supports the entire “stack” of software Open: Linux distributions to Open Database.

In Italy, IBM has decided to partner with the Linux Professional Institute who provides a series of certification paths based on a standard program, recognized worldwide, which aims to create new skills in open source technologies applicable to Power8.

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is a prestigious organization that promotes and certifies professional skills on the use of Linux and open source technologies through a worldwide program of independent tests, the result of established links between the business world and academia. To date has exceeded the threshold of 300,000 exams, with the release of more than 100,000 certifications recognized internationally.

The sessions planned for the first half of this year will be held at the headquarters of IBM Segrate with exercises in special laboratories.

The dates and topics of the courses:
– Linux Essentials course – 11/14 May
– Course LPI 101 – 25/29 May
– Course LPI 102 – 22/26 June

The courses will be planned for the second half of the year with a timetable yet to be defined.

For more information on the Linux Professional Institute


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