LPI Japan Branch Established

Linux Professional Institute (LPI), which delivers open source certification, established a LPI Japan Branch. Read about what’s improved!

Mr. Kenji Ito, Branch Communication Director, LPI Japan, announced creation of the LPI Japan branch in July, together with LPI Executive Director G. Matthew Rice and Chief Operating Officer Medina Dupuis. They also announced the start of an educational program on open source software including Linux certification in Japan.

During a number of media interviews, Mr. Ito described that the purpose of the Japan Branch is to strengthen service development in the Japanese market for the popular “LPIC” certification program and to support new programs.

Interview include topics below:

  • Detail of Linux Professional Institute announces a 5 year plan to improve support to Japanese certification holders
  • Difference between LPI Japan Branch and LPI-Japan
  • What is LPI Membership program

Read both interviews:

Shoeisha Technology Media



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