LPI is Proud to Support Cumbre de Contribuidores de Open Source Software (CCOSS)

October 19 – 24, 2020

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) invites you to join them online at CCOSS taking place October 19 – 24, 2020. LPI is thrilled to continue our support.

The purpose of CCOSS is to increase the number of people and organizations in Latin America that contribute to open source projects. This can be achieved through presentations, workshops and networking, that guide those interested in contributing to the main open source projects in the world.

LPI Presents

You’re a developer, and you want to convince your company to develop FOSS. You are a manager and you can not even say the word “Linux” but you want good products at a good price, and you want your programmers to be happy. You are a company owner, educator or government official and you wonder if using free software will bring you love …. and money.

Join LPI Board Chair, Jon “maddog” Hall on October 19th at 10:00am (central time) for a talk, What do developers like best? Coffee, beer or free software? 


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