LPI Reviews DevOps at OSEC Forum

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) invites you to the Open Source Education Centre (OSEC) Forum on June 6th, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland to tap into the evolving world of open source technology and the fun, thriving open source community.

The OSEC Forum is the perfect event to attend whether you are an IT Manager, a System Administrator, or a Product Owner — regardless of the industry in which you work or your skill level.

That’s because OSEC is designed for IT professionals who are passionate about growing their careers and exploring how building a knowledge of open source helps achieve this goal.

Attend any OSEC lecture, workshop, or open discussion (for free) and you will get an inside look into the topics that are shaping organizations and software around the globe such as DevOps, IT automation, and future-looking management skills.

LPI’s Elzbieta Godlewska will be speaking at OSEC about how its newest certification, LPIC-OT DevOps Tools Engineer reflects the rapidly evolving DevOps landscape.

This is particularly relevant for anyone who wants to capitalize on companies’ rapidly growing demand for IT candidates with DevOps skills. Elzbieta’s workshop is at 11:15am in the E-room.

As the world’s first and largest vendor-neutral Linux and open source certification body, LPI is pleased to be one of the leading sponsors of the OSEC Forum. By all means, seek out any LPI team member throughout the conference in the discussion area.


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