Online LPIC-2 exam now available in Japanese

As of today, LPIC-2 exams are available online in Japanese on Pearson VUE’s online testing platform, OnVUE. The Linux Essentials and LPIC-1 exams have already been available there since August 2020, and the LPIC-2 exams now join them. 

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) certifications are very popular in Japan. According to Kenji Ito, Director of Communications for LPI Japan, the certification is an important factor in hiring at Google Japan and AWS Japan, as well as many system integrators. Tens of thousands of people take an LPI exam in Japan each year, most of them the LPIC-1 exam.

Ito cites many requests for a Japanese version of the exams, including from schools and universities. “That’s why we are happy to announce that LPIC-2 in Japanese is now available online as well,” he says. “Our team is already working on further exam translations, which will follow step by step.”

LPI is an international non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the professional mastery of Linux systems and open source software everywhere. Part of its mission to support the people who work with open source involves translating LPI exams into as many languages as is feasible. 


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