
Open source careers: A tough start, a different future, a lot of FOSS

Hi, it’s Dani here; Milo for my fr … Read more

Help Us Refresh the LPIC-2 Certification Objectives

We have recently started the ball rollin … Read more

History of Women in Computing: GNU Girls

The computer field—and especially free a … Read more

Simone “Simo” Bertulli: LPI’s Certifications – What Is Your Path?

In this post I will do something differe … Read more

The People Behind the Learning Portal: Luciano Siqueira

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) launc … Read more

How to Handle Vulnerabilities in Third-Party Programming Libraries

Almost all software calls multiple layer … Read more

LPI Shares Plans and Services with Asia-Pacific Partners

It is great to see partners of the Linux … Read more

The Opening World: An Open Anniversary Review, Part 2

This is the second of a two-part article … Read more

The Opening World: An Open Anniversary Review, Part 1

Walls holding back information sharing a … Read more

Climbing the Pyramid

Just a few weeks ago, Linux Professional … Read more

Open Access Flips Hundreds of Years of Scientific Research, Part 2

A true revolution has hit academia over … Read more

Open Access Flips Hundreds of Years of Scientific Research

We have viewed the spirit of openness fr … Read more