
TDC teaches how to deliver a vibrant interactive experience

How does a conference make the transitio … Read more

Folding@Home: Free/libre/open source software comes to the aid of the world’s COVID-19 emergency

The past few months have been a time of … Read more

Good (Free) Training is Not Hard to Come By

So now that we are indoors most of the t … Read more

Sysvale and LPI: Strategic Planning in Times of COVID-19

When 2019 was just about to end, I got a … Read more

How to Work Remotely and Securely with FOSS Tools

With the advent of global problems such … Read more

Virtual Meetings in Times of Pandemic

“May you live in interesting times … Read more

Learn and Volunteer With Your Extra Time at Home

You may be spending far more time at hom … Read more

Rails Girls Summer of Code – Bringing Diversity to Open Source

With the awesome power of community behi … Read more

Knowledge Freedom – The Linux Professional Institute trip to Cuba

From November 17th to 25th of 2019, the … Read more

The DevOps Paradox

As the evolution of technology marches f … Read more

The Developer’s Conference – not only about software freedom

Do you know the average lifespan of a tr … Read more

The Prides and Perils of Open (Source) Diplomacy

Decades of experience in giving speeches … Read more