
LPI Exhibiting at Developers Conference CZ

January 26 – 28, 2018 Attending De … Read more

LPI Supporting Linux Conference Australia

Tapping into the Australian open source … Read more

Join LPI at LinuxLab 2017

Join LPI at LinuxLab 2017 Hone your skil … Read more

LPI Supporting DevOps Days (Cape Town)

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) invit … Read more

LPI at T-Dose

Explore the issues and skills related to … Read more

LPI at Open Rhein Ruhr

Explore the issues and skills related to … Read more

Join LPI at LISA17

Hone your skills. Save on certifications … Read more

LPI Explains DevOps Tools at LinuxDays 2017

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) invit … Read more

Join LPI at Ohio Linux Fest 2017

Tap into the open source community. Enro … Read more

LPI Reviews DevOps at OSEC Forum

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) invit … Read more

Love Linux? Join us at 14LinuxSession this weekend!

This weekend LPI is excited to sponsor a … Read more

Join LPI at LinuxFest Northwest 2017

LPI will be taking part in LinuxFest Nor … Read more